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Transform your house into a dream home with AI Interior Designer

20+ styles to choose from. Free to try. Renders in seconds.

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Generate your room, for FREE

User Uploaded Living Room

Original photo of a room with FlashInterior

Generated Modern style room

Generated photo of a virtually staged AI room 1 with FlashInterior

Generated Country style room

Generated photo of a virtually staged AI room 2 with FlashInterior

Generated Victorian style room

Generated photo of a virtually staged AI room 3 with FlashInterior

Works even with empty rooms for virtually staging a house

Original Empty Room from Property Portals

Original photo of a room with FlashInterior

AI Virtual Staging Photo 1

Generated photo of a rustic style room with FlashInterior

AI Virtual Staging Photo 2

Generated photo of a coastal style room with FlashInterior

AI Virtual Staging Photo 3

Generated photo of a tropical style room with FlashInterior

Bring architectural sketches to life

Original sketch of house

Original sketch of house with FlashInterior

Generated Modern style house

Generated photo of a modern style house with FlashInterior

Original sketch of house

Original sketch of house with FlashInterior

Generated Modern style house

Generated photo of a modern style house with FlashInterior

Why choose us

Original sketch of house with FlashInterior
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Instant Turnaround

99.9% of our images are generated within 15 seconds. There's no reason to wait for working hours or long delivery times.

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As Low As $0.15 USD Per Image

Unbeatable value all round. Great ROI for the results it gives.

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High-Definition Download & Display

AI upscale your images for high-definition printing and display.

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More Than 20+ Styles

Choose from a wide range of styles available, with more to come in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are my renders private? Will you be sharing them externally?

How are my credits charged?

Do you have an affiliate program?

Do my credits rollover from month to month?

Why should I use FlashInterior?

Can I use FlashInterior on any device?

Do you have an app?

Do you offer support?

Can I access previously generated images?

I have a special request, how do I let you know?